Aircraft Modifications, Aircraft Performance, Engineering and Certification
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Fokker Services Group




2020 - present

The question from the customer

ADSE Consulting and Engineering BV (ADSE) and Fokker Services Group (FSG) – including the ensuing companies Fokker Techniek and Fokker Services – are historically linked. As a result, we maintain long-term relationships and partnerships with the various operating companies in various areas. In 2022 FSG and ADSE recognized that their ambitions, positioning in the network, capabilities, knowledge and experience complement each other well, and agreed upon a mutual partnership agreement and multi-year Engineering Services Contract.

Our solution and added value

The partnership centered around the following areas of collaboration: Sustainment of key engineering capabilities; Project execution; Consultancy; and Product development. Key activities include:

  • VIP Modification Support. ADSE supports Fokker Techniek by providing a team of Lead Engineers, Specialists, Designers, and project management support to guide and execute a large VIP A330 modification project. Our involvement focuses on the key technical areas include Structures, Interiors, and ECS and Mechanical Systems.
  • Aircraft Performance. ADSE is responsible for the execution of all Fokker aircraft performance activities for Fokker Services, the sustainment of this key engineering capability, and all actions to guarantee long-term availability.
  • Modification Engineering Support. A team of ADSE specialist has supported Fokker Services to design and certify regulatory driven modification such as CPDLC or ADSB-Out for a variety of Fokker Services customers. This work was executed under the Fokker Services Design Organisation.
  • CVE Support. ADSE provides Fokker Services Group a number of Certification Verification Engineers in the field of ECS and Aircraft Performance to be included in the Fokker Services Group Design Organisations.

More information

Interested in what we can do for you? Feel free to contact our Business Development Manager Aerospace.

Ron van Baaren

Managing Director | CEO

+31 6 27085988

See what ADSE can do for you