ADSE Consulting & Engineering BV
We contribute to solving the technical, organisational and societal challenges faced by public transport in today’s modern urbanized society. This is how we add value. We provide the integrated design solutions and improved processes and organisations needed. With our engineering, certification, consultancy and technical project management expertise, skills, and experience, we make it work!

About ADSE - Our heritage
Founded in 1996 by five engineering managers after the bankruptcy of Fokker aircraft, ADSE evolved over the past years into an internationally recognized engineering consulting firm passionate about transport systems and mobility solutions. Planes, trains, ships and automobiles, that’s what we like!
Our corporate responsibility
Building upon the core values of our founders ADSE strives for a healthy balance between continuity, profit, and long-term relationships with our employees, customers and society. The interests of our colleagues (people), society (planet) and the company (profit) must be aligned. Only then can the sustainable continuity of the ADSE be guaranteed. That is our responsibility to society.
Our mission
We embrace the United Nations Sustainability Goals and believe that efficient, safe, reliable, affordable and sustainable transportation systems are essential to achieve these goals. Our mission is to support our customers in developing sustainable solutions for the transport systems of today and in the future. We do this with our teams consisting of highly qualified professionals, who work in an inspiring, creative and entrepreneurial environment, using innovative services, while applying sustainability principles ourselves. That's our mission.
Qualifications & Approvals
EASA Design Organisation (DOA)
ISO 9001:2015
Military Design Organisation

Added Value
We add value to our customers by bringing structure, save time, cost and risk by solving complex challenges. With our integrator background and multi-domain experience, and pragmatic approach, we take responsibility from idea to realisation. Working close together with our customer we make it work. That makes us unique. That is how we stand out.
Our approach originates from our DNA as integrator
The art of bringing together all parts into one solution that complies to all requirements.
Systems Engineering
Focused on the total system, the entire life cycle, considering all stakeholders requirements.
Working in multi-disciplinary teams in close cooperation with our customers.
Project Management
Using a structured approach, strict project management best practices to ensure success.

Our Organisation & Culture
Our highly educated professionals, specialist and consultants strive in an environment where freedom, independence, personal responsibility, initiatives and entrepreneurship is stimulated. An open inclusive working environment where personal growth can be achieved, and value can be added, towards ADSE, our customers and our environment!
As a knowledge-based and project oriented organisation, ADSE has a flat, non-hierarchical, organisation structure. We do not recognize hierarchical functions, but roles and responsibilities. These are fulfilled based upon the strengths and ambitions of our professionals, not based upon hierarchy or age, to create flexibility and stimulate involvement and ownership. Our bottom-up management model support this by giving our professionals a large degree of freedom, combined with strategic guidance and direction.