What we can do for you!
Originally developed in the aerospace sector, Systems Engineering has evolved into a mature way of designing, building and delivering complex systems. An integrated approach provides the means to understand the needs and wishes of all stakeholders of the project and gives a clear understanding of how the resulting project requirements are satisfied. ADSE has ASEP-, CSEP- and ESEP-certified Systems Engineers, available for projects that require an SE approach.
Our scope of services
Key areas of our expertise and experience include:
- Model-Based Systems Engineering. Many projects have a complex nature with lots of interactions between different components and with many different stakeholders involved. To keep the goal of the project clear for all parties, various tools can be used to provide different views of the same project using single descriptions of the project elements. The model which is developed during the design phase will be of great use during the building and integration phase. ADSE can guide your company in the introduction of Model Based Systems Engineering. Additionally, we are available to offer hands on experience for modelling your system of interest.
- Systems Engineering Workshops. Some companies are fully up-and-running on a Systems Engineering approach for designing complex systems, while others are just beginning to understand that the up front SE burden really pays off in the end when developing complex systems. However, all of them have employees that have to be brought up to speed with this engineering method. ADSE can provide introductory one-day courses up to and in-depth three-day SE courses, either in-house at ADSE or at a location of the customer’s choice, based on all applicable standards such as ISA, Mil-STD, INCOSE or Leidraad SE standards.
- Requirements Management. One of the key processes to obtain the system that will satisfy your stakeholders is Requirement Management. Not only a clear set of unambiguous requirements needs to be set up, also deviations from the original requirements should be handled well. During the process new requirements will be defined and allocated to sub-systems, while keeping a sharp eye to additional new interface requirements. RM has a direct link to the requirements Verification and Validation.Some companies are fully up-and-running on a Systems Engineering approach for designing complex systems, while others are just beginning to understand that the up front SE burden really pays off in the end when developing complex systems. However, all of them have employees that have to be brought up to speed with this engineering method. ADSE is available to help in all the aspects of Requirement Management: Setting up the Requirement Management Plan; Requirement Analysis using SE methods; Requirement administration in SE tools like Relatics, Doors, Polarion; Change management; and Requirement verification and validation.
- Risk Management. A manager doesn’t want to lose sleep over the questions about whether a project can be delivered on-time and within budget. Using Risk Management, the relevant risks can be identified. Following from that, risk mitigation can be apportioned to the relevant parties within the project and can be done in a transparent way. Risks which cannot be alleviated are also identified providing a clear overview for the future. ADSE employees are available to set up risk management within a company or to apply risk management during different project stages. Part of this assessment, are workshops that will be organized in order to gather the knowledge available within and/or outside the project. Appropriate reporting following from the assessment will allow decision makers to take the required measures.
- Verification and Validation. Does the new system perform as demanded by the customer and have all requirements been fulfilled by the system? The process to obtain these answers does not start at the delivery of the end result, but at the very start when the requirements are specified. The V&V process is part of the core business of ADSE. We can assist you in setting up and run the V&V process. With the increase of complexity of the system, more use of dedicated SE tools will be made, starting from Excel to Polarion/Relatics/Doors up to proper PLM tools.