Supporting the introduction of the ERTMS rail safety system
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ERTMS Program




2020 - present

The question from the customer

The European Rail Traffic Management System is the international standard for railway safety. It is a single European signalling and speed control system that ensures interoperability of national railway networks. ERTMS is installed into trains and infrastructure.

ERTMS provides the European Union with a unique opportunity to create a seamless railway system. It makes railways safer, more reliable, and more interoperable. By implementing ERTMS, capacity will increase and cross-border rail traffic will simplify.

In 2030, ERTMS needs to be implemented on the busiest tracks in the Netherlands. That is why the entire railway sector is preparing for this now. The ERTMS Programme Management office directs the implementation of ERTMS in the Netherland by the implementing organisations (IO). The IOs are responsible for converting the infrastructure and equipment, for example. They design the changes and implement them.

Our solution and added value

With our strong Systems Engineering background ADSE has been asked to support one of the implementation organisations with the definition, implementation and execution of the processes needed to achieve this target. Specific (Model-Based) Systems Engineering activities include:

  • Requirements Management. Providing continuous support to the definition, implementation and execution of Requirements Management processes, including requirements management tool selection and implementation support (Polarion)
  • Configuration Management. Providing continuous support to the definition, implementation and execution of Configuration Management processes.
  • System Architecture Definition. Supporting the system architecture (conceptual design & functional design) activities focusing on system integration, verification and validation all program elements
  • Program Management Consultancy. Supporting the development and evaluation of program management plans.
  • Verification and Validation. Process definition and consulting

More information?

Interested in what we can do for you? Feel free to contact our Business Development Manager Rail.

Jeroen Brandse

Business Development Manager Rail

+31 6 23294426

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